The Cambridge Simulation Glasses

These simulate a general loss of ability to see the final details and contrast differences

Veelgestelde vragen

These simulate a general loss of ability to see the final details and contrast differences.

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One pair of glasses simulates mild visual impairment.
Two pairs simulate moderate vision loss.
With three pairs on, you are on the cusp of being legally allowed to drive due to visual impairment

Something you can try out at home is to smear petroleum jelly over your own pair of glasses and try to see the finer details of objects, for example, the waterline on a kettle.


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People with dementia might experience changes to complex visual processes. As a result,
some people might struggle with tasks such as reading, recognising objects and perceiving space in the environment.

A common type of dementia called Lewy Body dementia is particularly linked to changes in visual function. Symptoms may include visual hallucinations, and impaired perception of forms and figures. These may cause distress and impact other functions; like our cognition.

It seems important that we should try to understand how visual changes may impact people living with dementia.

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